De Drents Overijsselse Coöperatie


De Drents Overijsselse Coöperatie – DOC Kaas in short – in Hoogeveen prepares cheese products the all-natural way. The company is fully certified, a guarantee for consumers of the cheese’s high quality. Van Lente Systeemintegratie ensures that production stops are kept to a minimum during periodic maintenance.


The expansion of milk storage in the large, distinctive silver towers at the site in Hoogeveen was a major task that caused minimal disruption to production. DOC Kaas, together with Van Lente and GEA (the process supplier), came up with a plan for the project to streamline the programming, software upload and hardware installation. These processes are known to Van Lente. This preparation resulted in the most logical design within the constraints of the buildings.


Van Lente underlines the time pressure aspect in order to prevent endangering the production process.

Efficiency is a must at DOC Kaas, to safeguard the large-scale production of Dutch cheese for consumers in the Netherlands and the rest of the world.


The agreed periodic maintenance was brought back to four times a year. This has led to a significant improvement in the efficiency of the production process.