Getting acquainted
I’ve always felt that the foundations of collaboration are built on really getting to know each other and discovering the other’s motivations.
Since 2003, I have been privileged to manage a team with fantastic professionals. As a director, I quickly noticed their passion for electrical engineering and automation. It’s something competitors also offer. However, there is another unique element within our company. Something that cannot be emulated. It’s the real solidarity. The fact that we really get stuck in together and work as a team, based on trust.
The group of people I work with feels like family. It is family. We belong together. This is something I’ve cherished since 2003. It’s really special that this group of 150 people has even managed to keep hold of this during times of external management. When I was given the opportunity to take over all shares held by the private equity firm DGtC in 2016, the decision was easy. It was a unique chance for this organisation to really be running on our own steam again after many years. Once again, we can be proud to call ourselves a family firm.
We’ve also been able to translate this solidarity into our interaction with our clients, embodying the motto ‘Joined-up thinking, joined-up working’ in all our client collaborations. Each client is unique and our engaged team members will always look for the best solution in a specific situation. Customised proposals, rather than one-size-fits-all solutions. As an organisation, we are privileged to have many customers who remain loyal to us. I regularly ask clients for their feedback, and I feel proud when I hear they recognise the motto and that we always deliver on our promises! Integration with the client is our strength.
We’ll be celebrating our 85th anniversary this year! Our internal motto, “Joined-up Thinking, Joined-up Working”, is anchored into all we do and is often referred to externally as ‘Integration is in our DNA’. My personal motivation is to keep proving this in the years to come, together with my team of professionals. Maybe we could include you too? I’d be very keen to hear what your motivations are and how we can help you keep your promises.
Cor de Best
Director/Owner of Van Lente Systeemintegratie B.V.